Learn What Information is Needed to Apply for Covered California?

by | Apr 16, 2019

What information is needed to apply for Covered California

Apply With Covered California and Save

If you’re considering applying for health insurance, Covered California offers affordable, quality options. This guide will help you understand what information is needed to apply for Covered California

Find Out if You’re Eligible

Before diving into the necessary paperwork, it’s essential to determine whether you meet the basic eligibility criteria for Covered California. To qualify, you must:

  • Be a resident of the state of California: Current residency in California is a must for applying for a plan through Covered California.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or hold legal residency status: You’ll need to show proof of your citizenship or legal residency.
  • Not be currently incarcerated: Individuals currently in prison or jail are not eligible for Covered California.
  • Not be eligible for other types of health insurance: If you’re already covered or are eligible for programs like Medicare, you won’t be able to opt for a Covered California plan.

What information is needed to apply for Covered California?

Proof of Income

You’ll need to provide evidence of your current income for each family member applying. A family is defined as the person who files taxes as head of household and all the dependents claimed on that person’s taxes. Even if you don’t file taxes, you may still qualify for free or low-cost insurance through Medi-Cal. Here are your options:

  • Past 30 days of Pay Stubs: This is usually the quickest and easiest way to show your current income.
  • Income Tax Return: Last year’s tax return can also serve as proof of income, although it might not be as up-to-date as your pay stubs.
  • Award Letters: If you receive unemployment, disability benefits, social security benefits, etc., an official award letter can serve as your proof of income.

Proof of Identity

For the person who is applying for the family, proof of identity is crucial. Here are acceptable documents:

  • California ID: A State ID card will suffice.
  • Driver’s License: A California Driver’s License is also an acceptable form of identification.

*Proof of Citizenship

Covered California generally verifies citizenship or lawful presence in the United States through electronic data sources, such as databases maintained by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. When you submit your application, the system will attempt to automatically verify your information using these databases.

However, there are instances where automatic verification may not be possible, and you will be required to provide additional documentation to verify your citizenship or legal residency. Some of the documents commonly used for this purpose include:

  • U.S. Passport
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Birth Certificate (for U.S. citizens)
  • Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
  • Employment Authorization Document
  • Other immigration documents that confirm lawful presence

Once you submit the necessary documents, Covered California will review them to verify your eligibility. If your documents are not in English, you may also be required to provide a translation.

If verification is unsuccessful or if the documentation provided is insufficient or inconclusive, Covered California will notify you with instructions for additional steps you need to take. Failure to provide adequate documentation within a specified timeframe may result in the termination of your health coverage or eligibility for financial assistance.

Please note that this information is subject to change, and it’s always a good idea to consult the official Covered California website or contact a certified enrollment counselor for the most current guidelines and procedures.

What You Should Know

  • Birth Dates: Keep the birth dates of all family members handy.
  • Social Security Numbers: For each family member, know their social security number.
  • Immigration Status: Families that include unlawfully present immigrants can apply. You can apply for your child even if you are not eligible for coverage.
  • Home ZIP code: This will be used to determine your coverage area.

Special Cases to Consider

If your family includes members with different immigration statuses, non-traditional income sources, or complex tax situations, additional documentation may be required.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Some applicants make the mistake of providing outdated documents, omitting documents for dependents, or not keeping copies of the submitted documents. Ensure you have everything organized and up-to-date.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What if I don’t have proof of income?: If you don’t have traditional forms of income, contact Covered California to discuss alternative options.
  • Can I submit electronic copies of these documents?: Yes, electronic copies are generally accepted as long as they are clear and legible.

Additional Information

For any questions or additional help, reach out to your local Covered California Enrollment Center or visit the official website. Deadlines for application are usually in December for coverage starting in January.

Choosing Covered California Provides Assistance and Savings!

After you’ve gathered all the required documents, you might wonder what’s next. Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by the options or unsure which plan will save you the most money. This is where Covered California can provide valuable assistance.

Expert Help is Available

  • Personalized Assistance: At Covered California Enrollment Centers like ours, trained professionals can help you navigate the complex world of health insurance.
  • Online Tools: The Covered California website offers calculators and comparison tools to help you make an informed decision.
  • Community Partners: Many local organizations partner with Covered California to offer enrollment assistance and answer your questions.

Savings You Can Count On

Covered California is not just an insurance marketplace; it’s a way to get quality health coverage that fits your budget. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Subsidies: Depending on your income and family size, you could qualify for federal subsidies that lower your monthly premiums.
  • Cost-Sharing Reductions: Some plans offer cost-sharing reductions, lowering the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket for services like doctor visits or prescription medications.
  • Quality Care: All plans offered through Covered California meet strict quality standards, ensuring you get the best care possible.

Don’t Miss Out

Take advantage of these resources and savings by enrolling through Covered California. It could be one of the most important decisions you make for your health and financial well-being.


Gathering these essential documents beforehand will make your Covered California application process far less stressful and much quicker. Once you have all the required documents, you can proceed to the application confidently.

Begin Enrollment

Ready to take the next step? Start your application today or contact us for a free consultation to guide you through the process.

This article was written by Mark Svetlik, with the assistance of automation technology. The content has undergone thorough editing and fact-checking to ensure complete accuracy.

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