Covered California for Small Businesses

by | Nov 26, 2023

Covered California for small business

Understanding Covered California for Small Business

Welcome to a pivotal resource for California businesses seeking to navigate the landscape of employee health insurance. Covered California is the Golden State’s official health insurance marketplace, designed to help individuals, families, and now businesses, to access affordable health insurance. But what does this mean for you as a business owner?

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in California, Covered California opens up avenues to provide employees with health insurance options that were once the exclusive domain of larger corporations. This marketplace is not just about compliance with health care laws; it’s about an opportunity to invest in your workforce’s health and well-being, which, as we will see, can yield significant returns for your business.

The Importance of Health Insurance for Employees

Offering health insurance is no longer a luxury; it’s a strategic decision. When employees are assured of their health coverage, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. Health benefits are often a deciding factor for potential hires and can be a compelling reason for valuable employees to stay, reducing turnover costs. In a survey by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), it was found that 56% of U.S. adults with employer-sponsored health benefits said that whether or not they like their health coverage is a key factor in deciding to stay at their current job. Moreover, a healthy workforce means reduced absenteeism and a vibrant, energetic company culture.

Eligibility Criteria for Businesses

Covered California extends its hand to businesses that have between 1 to 100 full-time-equivalent employees. If you’re a business owner with at least one but no more than 100 employees, you could qualify for Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). This program is tailored to help small businesses offer health and dental insurance to their employees. To qualify, you must have at least one full-time employee other than the business owner or a spouse, and you must contribute to employee premiums, typically at least 50% of the premium cost.

What’s remarkable about Covered California for small businesses is the flexibility it offers. Not only can you choose a level of coverage or a “metal tier” that fits your budget, but your employees can also select from a range of health insurance plans within that tier. This adaptability allows you to control costs while still offering choice and quality to your employees. Plus, if you have fewer than 25 full-time-equivalent employees, you might be eligible for federal tax credits, making it even more cost-effective to provide health insurance.

Coverage Options Available

Navigating the coverage options in Covered California can be likened to selecting the perfect ensemble for a performance—each piece must harmonize with the next to create the ideal experience. For businesses, this marketplace offers a symphony of plans categorized under “metal tiers”: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. These tiers do not signify the quality of care but rather the split of costs between the insurer and the insured.

  • Bronze: The starting note, where your business pays lower premiums, and the plan covers about 60% of healthcare costs. It’s designed for those who want protection from worst-case scenarios.
  • Silver: A step up, with moderate premiums and coverage for approximately 70% of healthcare expenses. It’s a balance between monthly costs and out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Gold: Offering higher premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs, covering about 80% of healthcare expenses. It strikes a chord with those who anticipate more frequent healthcare use.
  • Platinum: The crescendo, with the highest premiums and the most comprehensive coverage, around 90%. It’s suited for those expecting high medical expenses.

Businesses can select a reference plan within a tier, allowing employees to choose any plan at that level. This system empowers employees to choose coverage that best suits their individual health needs and financial preferences, ensuring a personalized health care experience.

Costs and Financial Assistance

The cost of providing health insurance can vary like the dynamics in music, fluctuating with the number of employees and the chosen plans. However, Covered California hits a high note with affordability, thanks to the potential for significant financial assistance.

For eligible small businesses, the federal government offers the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, which can cover up to 50% of the premium costs if you have fewer than 25 full-time-equivalent employees making an average of about $50,000 a year or less. To hit this financial grace note, you must pay at least 50% of your full-time employees’ premium costs and provide coverage through the SHOP marketplace.

Moreover, unlike the rigid pricing often found in traditional health plans, Covered California offers rates based on age and geographic location, not on the health status of your employees or their claims history. This means that the health of your employees won’t increase your premiums—ensuring the cost remains predictable.

Enrollment Process

The enrollment process for Covered California for businesses is a well-defined yet adaptable approach crafted to align with your business operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your business covers all the essentials:

  1. Assess Your Business Needs: Consider the size of your workforce, their health coverage needs, and your budget.
  2. Register Your Business: Visit the Covered California for Small Business website and register your business. You’ll need to provide some basic information about your business and employees.
  3. Choose a Coverage Tier: Decide on a metal tier (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) that aligns with how much you and your employees will share in the costs.
  4. Select a Reference Plan: Within the chosen tier, select a reference plan that your contribution will be based on. Your employees can choose any plan at the same level of coverage.
  5. Determine Your Contribution: Decide the percentage of your employees’ premiums you will pay. The minimum is 50% for the reference plan.
  6. Enroll Your Employees: Provide the opportunity for your employees to enroll in the plans.
  7. Complete the Application: Submit your application online, by mail, or in person through a certified agent or broker.
  8. Review and Approval: Covered California will review your application. Upon approval, you’ll receive a confirmation and detailed information about your employees’ coverage options.

Keep in mind that you can enroll at any time during the year; there’s no restricted enrollment period for the small business program.

Employer Responsibilities

Once the curtain rises on your new health coverage, as an employer, you have several ongoing responsibilities:

  1. Contribution: Maintain the minimum agreed contribution towards your employees’ premiums.
  2. Administration: Handle the administrative tasks associated with managing your plan, such as adding new employees or processing life event changes.
  3. Reporting: Annually, you’ll need to report the value of the health insurance provided to each employee on their W-2 forms.
  4. Compliance: Stay in tune with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other relevant regulations to ensure your business remains compliant.

Employee Enrollment

For a smooth enrollment experience, guide your employees through the following steps:

  1. Information Session: Host a session to introduce them to the available plans and the enrollment process.
  2. Plan Selection: Employees can compare plans within the selected tier and choose the one that best fits their needs.
  3. Enrollment Window: Inform them of the enrollment window, which is typically 30 days from their initial eligibility or during the annual open enrollment period.
  4. Support: Provide support resources, such as access to certified enrollment counselors, agents, or brokers who can answer questions and assist with the process.
  5. Confirmation: Once enrolled, employees will receive a confirmation and membership information directly from the health plan.

By ensuring each of these steps is followed with attention and care, you’ll be orchestrating a smooth transition to comprehensive health coverage for your team.

Case Studies

Discover the success stories that resonate within the business community through Covered California. For example, “Sierra Pharmacy,” a small start-up in Fresno, faced rising healthcare costs and a diverse workforce with varying needs. By enrolling in Covered California, they were able to offer a range of plans that suited different budgets and life stages. The CEO observed, “There was a palpable sense of gratitude among our employees. They felt genuinely appreciated because we could offer them health insurance options that catered to their individual needs and financial situations. It conveyed that we value their well-being and see them as crucial members of our company family. Covered California facilitated this by providing the framework to deliver such benefits, which has, in return, reinforced their dedication and commitment to our business.”

Another example is “Melody Chimes,” a local manufacturer, which saw a reduction in employee turnover after offering health insurance through Covered California. The owner shared, “Our staff are like family, and we want to keep them healthy and happy. Seeing them benefit from the coverage has been music to our ears.”


Q: What if my business grows beyond 100 employees? A: Covered California for Small Business is designed for businesses with 1 to 100 employees. If you grow beyond this, there are other options available, and transitioning is designed to be smooth.

Q: Can I enroll in Covered California for Small Business any time of the year? A: Yes, there is no restricted enrollment period for small businesses. You can begin the process at any time.

Q: How does Covered California help with the costs of providing health insurance? A: Small businesses with 1 to 25 employees may qualify for tax credits that cover up to 50% of premium costs, making it more affordable.

Resources and Support

To ensure you have a command over health coverage for your business, utilize the following resources:

  • Covered California for Small Business: The official site provides extensive information and guides for enrollment.
  • Certified Insurance Agents: Trained professionals who can walk you through the process, tailored to your business needs.
  • Enrollment Centers: Like our very own Fresno-based center, where local experts provide face-to-face assistance.
  • Online Calculators: Tools to estimate costs and tax credits.


Through our detailed examination of Covered California for businesses, we’ve illuminated the essential elements, from the array of plan options to the responsibilities that come with being an employer. The link between a company’s success and its employees’ well-being is clear and strong. By choosing the appropriate health insurance plan, your business will not only meet legal mandates but also foster a sense of loyalty and well-being among your employees. This is an investment in your team that can lead to a healthier, more dedicated workforce.

Call to Action

If you’re considering offering health insurance and want to ensure your employees have access to the best coverage options available, we’re here to guide you through every step. Our Covered California Enrollment Center is equipped to provide you with the personalized assistance needed to navigate the complexities of health insurance. Reach out to us for a consultation that will be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Together, we can create a robust plan for employee health and business prosperity. Your journey to a healthier, more secure workforce starts now!

This article was written by Mark Svetlik, with the assistance of automation technology. The content has undergone thorough editing and fact-checking to ensure complete accuracy.

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