The Health Benefits of the Holiday Season: Finding Joy in Festivity

by | Nov 19, 2023

Health benefits of the holiday season

Unwrapping the Surprising Health Benefits of the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often wrapped in a ribbon of stress, with its dizzying array of demands — shopping, cooking, cleaning, and planning. For many, this time of the year conjures up images of crowded malls, strained budgets, and a relentless series of social engagements. However, beneath the surface of this festive frenzy lies a gift of immeasurable value: the health benefits of the holiday season.

Contrary to the popular narrative of holiday strain, this period of merrymaking can actually bolster our well-being in profound ways. As we transition from seeing the holidays through a lens of stress to one of health and happiness, we discover that the true spirit of the season may indeed be its ability to heal and rejuvenate.

The Power of Gratitude

Amidst the sparkle and the celebration, the holiday season inherently encourages a spirit of gratitude. It’s a time when we reflect on the year’s end, take stock of our blessings, and express thanks for what we have. This practice of gratitude, far from being a mere tradition, is grounded in science as a catalyst for improved mental health. Studies reveal that regularly counting our blessings can amplify positive emotions, lift self-esteem, and sweep away the cobwebs of negativity that often cloud our daily lives.

Enhanced Well-being Through Social Holidays

The cheer that fills the air during the holiday season is more than just a fleeting feeling. According to research from the University of Eastern Finland, social holidays contribute significantly to overall life satisfaction. They provide a platform for quality interactions, strengthening bonds with family and friends, and forging new connections. This festive mingling can enhance the joy of the season and leave a lasting imprint on our happiness and contentment.

The Biological Need for Social Connectedness

Far beyond the holiday cards and gatherings, social connectedness is a fundamental human need, essential for our survival. The warmth of a hug, the laughter shared over a meal, the camaraderie felt at a community event — these experiences during the holidays answer a deep-seated biological call for connection. Research underscores that maintaining strong social ties can extend our lifespan and act as a buffer against illness. During the holidays, these connections are not just pleasantries; they are lifelines that sustain our physical and mental health.

Season’s Greetings from Covered California Fresno

As the holiday season envelops us in its warm embrace, we  wish to extend our heartiest greetings to you and your loved ones. This time of year is a tapestry of traditions, memories, and the joyous spirit of togetherness — a reminder of the precious bonds we share with one another.

In this season of giving, we reflect on the blessings of health and well-being, and the importance of safeguarding them. It’s a perfect time to celebrate the ties that bind us, to reach out to those near and far, and to partake in the communal feast of life.

We encourage everyone to embrace the healthful aspects of the holiday season — the cheerful social gatherings, the uplifting music, and the rejuvenating spirit of gratitude and generosity. Let’s carry these gifts into the new year, along with the promise of health and happiness.

As your partners in health coverage, Covered California Fresno is here to support you in achieving a prosperous and healthy new year. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our wonderful community and look forward to continuing this journey together.

Wishing you a delightful holiday season filled with joy, peace, and the warmth of family and friends.

Warm regards,

Covered California Fresno

How the Holiday Season Has a Positive Effect on Our Health

Listening to Christmas music has several noted benefits that can enhance the holiday experience:

  1. Mood Enhancement: Classic holiday tunes have the power to lift spirits. The nostalgia evoked by listening to favorite Christmas songs has a neurological effect, leading to the release of chemicals in the brain that induce feelings of happiness​​.
  2. Sentimentality and Festivity: Christmas tracks can evoke a sense of wistfulness or transport us back to the joy of childhood, contributing to a general feeling of festiveness and well-being​​.
  3. Enhanced Enjoyment of Activities: Incorporating Christmas music into routine activities such as cooking, shopping, or simply relaxing can make these tasks more entertaining and imbue them with a festive flair. This added element of festivity can transform everyday tasks into enjoyable holiday experiences​​.
  4. Neurological Stimulation: The brain’s pleasure circuit is activated when listening to favored Christmas music, releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are known for creating happy feelings​​.
  5. Emotional Language: Christmas music serves as a medium for emotional expression. It can convey and evoke a spectrum of emotions, often leading to a heartwarming sense of goodness and an open, receptive state of mind during the holiday season​​.

These benefits suggest that Christmas music can be a simple yet effective way to create a positive atmosphere and promote emotional well-being during the holidays.

Children and the Season of Joy  

Involving children and grandchildren in holiday celebrations has a multitude of positive effects, both for the young ones and the family as a whole:

  1. Sense of Security and Belonging: Holiday traditions give children a sense of security, identity, and belonging. This feeling of being part of something larger can make the world feel safe and predictable, providing comfort during times of change and reinforcing their significance within the family unit​​.
  2. Emotional Connection: Establishing holiday traditions can foster a strong emotional connection between children, their family, and the holiday itself. When children feel this bond, they are more likely to relax and immerse themselves in the joy of the festivities, enhancing their ability to enjoy these occasions fully​​.
  3. Health and Longevity: According to a Harvard study, strong familial ties and friendships can significantly impact health and longevity. The absence of these connections can increase the risk of premature death by up to 50%, which is comparable to the risks associated with smoking. The holidays offer a prime opportunity to strengthen these vital bonds​​.
  4. Psychological Well-being: Engaging in holiday rituals and traditions has been shown to positively affect psychological well-being. These family practices create feelings of intimacy and belonging, which are crucial for the mental health of both children and adults​​.
  5. Educational Value and Memory Building: The holidays provide a rich educational experience for children, exposing them to different cultures and helping them build relationships with family and friends. This time is also pivotal for creating lasting memories that children carry with them throughout their lives​​.

Incorporating these findings into your holiday celebrations can enrich the experience for all generations involved, fostering a healthier, more connected family dynamic.

Celebrating Togetherness: The Heart of the Holiday Season

As the Christmas lights twinkle and carols fill the air, there’s an unmistakable invitation to come together and celebrate the season’s joys. This is a time when reaching out to friends, inviting family over, and reveling in the company of our children and grandchildren isn’t just a festive gesture—it’s a recipe for health and happiness.

Gathering around the holiday table, sharing stories and laughter with relatives, or teaching a grandchild to bake a family recipe are moments that do more than just pass the time; they weave the fabric of connection that supports our well-being. The shared experiences of the holidays serve as a cornerstone for creating a comforting sense of community and continuity.

In these moments, we find the essence of the holiday spirit: the joy of giving, the warmth of companionship, and the strength of familial ties. The act of inviting loved ones into our homes and hearts during the holidays is not just a cultural tradition but a vital activity that nourishes our souls and minds. The laughter that echoes through the halls, the chorus of familiar voices singing along to Christmas tunes, and the gentle chaos of a family feast are all ingredients for a healthier, more vibrant life.

So, let this holiday season be a time to embrace those around us, to create new memories and cherish the old, to share in the beauty of the present moment, and to acknowledge that in doing so, we are not only enriching our holidays but also enhancing our health. In the companionship of our nearest and dearest, we find the true gifts of the season—joy, love, and the profound benefits of togetherness.

Combatting Loneliness and Isolation During the Holidays

While the holidays are synonymous with togetherness, they can paradoxically be a time of loneliness and isolation for some. The imagery of bustling family gatherings may stand in stark contrast to the solitude experienced by many during this season. It is essential to recognize this dichotomy and understand the value of reaching out and fostering connections during this time.

Stress vs. Social Engagement: Striking a Balance

The holidays, while festive, can also be a crucible of stress, with heightened expectations and the hustle of preparations. Yet, it’s crucial to find equilibrium, weaving in moments of social engagement amid the rush. This balancing act is not trivial; it is a vital component of holiday well-being. Engaging with others can provide a buffer against the pressure of the season, transforming stress into shared experiences and collective joy.

Practical Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

To harness the health benefits of the holiday season:

  • Reach out to someone who may be spending the holidays alone.
  • Attend community events or volunteer, which can foster a sense of purpose and connection.
  • Host a low-key get-together, focusing on the quality of interaction rather than elaborate preparations.
  • Participate in activities that encourage social interaction, such as group walks or holiday markets.


The holiday season, with its unique blend of joy and stress, offers a chance to enhance our well-being through social connections. While acknowledging the challenges, we should also embrace the opportunities for togetherness that the season provides. By doing so, we not only celebrate the festive period but also invest in our health and longevity. Let’s carry the holiday spirit forward, letting it infuse our lives with health, happiness, and the warmth of human connection.

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